Repairing Fringes of Rugs
The most common repair job we receive is Rug fringe Repairs as they are the first elements of the rugs to get damaged through use and vacuuming. Majority of rugs have cotton fringes, that is the extension of the warps (vertical foundation threads) holding your rug together. Some rugs have wool or silk warps, but the main point to understand is the fringes are not there for cosmetic reasons, they are effectively what your rug is built on

Fringe is the Skeleton of Your Rug, actually an individual foundation strand. Each tassel on the end of the rug actually runs all the way to the other end appearing as another tassel, most Oriental rugs have white fringe tassels made of cotton; others have silk or wool tassels(depending on where and when they were woven).

Some rug owners like the look of the fringe on their rugs, to others it drives those nuts to always be straightening them, or keeping them from getting caught in the vacuum cleaner (that is why you vacuum from side to side instead of from end to end).

But, the fringe is not just a “pretty” way to finish the rug – it is actually the foundation fibers of the rug. The rug’s “skeleton.” Each individual tassel that you grab in your hand runs through the middle of the rug all the way to the other end, emerging as another individual tassel on the opposite end. It is important to fix rug fringes that are damaged soon. A fringe is usually the first part in the rug to be damaged as it is exposed. If damaged, the fringe being the foundation fibers of the rug, like a Skeleton can create a situation where the pile is loose and unwind. Repairing damaged fringes includes securing the rug end/fringe/tassel, then attaching a new end/fringe/tassel to the original fringe/tassel base.

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Turkish Rugs, Kilim Rugs, Kilim Furniture, Rugs Repair